Tuesday 19 September 2017


PT3 Essay

1. Fire

Informal letter:

Formal letter:
1. Interview a policeman 







A Holiday in Cameron Highlands

    During last weekend,my parents decided to take us to Cameron Highlands.In the morning,we packed our clothes and loaded them into my father's car.We hit the road at 7 a.m. in my father's Suzuki Swift.

    The road to Cameron Highlands was crooked and my mother was a bit  lightheaded.The road was filled with fog.The scenery along the road was eye pleasing.We chit-chatted along the way.After a five hours drive,we arrived at our destination.Cameron Highland has cool mountain air.Although our country is facing haze problem now,the air there was still free from pollution.It is a form escapism from all the hustle and bustle of the city life - translating into another dimension of peace and serenity.

     First,we visited to the bee farm.We could see bees flying freely and pollinating.We could purchased some pure honey and honey products sold there.At first,I was scared to see the bees flying freely as I thought it would sting us but soon I realised that they wouldn't sting us if we didn't disturb them.Then,we moved to our second location.

     Our second location was the Boh Tea Plantation.The teas were planted on terraced hill slopes.We also did not miss the chance to take some screenshots there.We also saw a waterfall there.The sound of water cascading from the top of the mountain was soothing to our ears and nerves.We were mesmerised by the crystal clear water.Our warm bodies chilled when the cold mountain water caressed our body.As we were enjoying the waterfall,it started to rain and we dashed to find a spot to take shelter.

     After the heavy downpour,we decided to stop at one of the many strawberry parks in Cameron Highlands.Before leaving the tea plantation,we made sure to buy some fresh tea.We decided to visit the Big Red Strawberry Farm.A lot of strawberries were cultivated there.Salad and lettuce plants are also planted there.We had our tea time there.We bought some strawberries and souvenirs to take back home.

    As the sun slowly set under the horizon,we knew it was time to say goodbye to this awesome place.We had a whale of a time in Cameron Highlands and we truly enjoyed ourselves.


PT3 Essay - Interview a policeman

Sathya        : Good morning,sir.
ASP Balan  : Good morning.What is your main motive to interview me this morning?
Sathya        : Firstly,let me introduce myself.My name is Sathya.I am a student from SMK Permas Jaya.My English teacher,Miss Pereira required my class to interview and write about a successful man.I decided to interview a successful   
policeman.Can I interview you this morning.
ASP Balan  : Sure you may,go ahead.
Sathya        : Why do you prefer to become a policeman since there are many other careers available in our country?
ASP Balan  : Becoming a policeman had been my ambition since I was young.My father was also a policeman.He always encouraged me not to give up with my           
ambition.He also became my role model.Unfortunately,he passed away because he was shot by a terrorist when trying to escape.
Sathya        : I am sorry about that.
ASP Balan  : It's okay.Let bygones be bygones.
Sathya        : Basically,what are the requirements needed to be a policeman.
ASP Balan  : If you want to be a constable,you should at least pass SPM and STPM or diploma for an inspector.If your ambition is higher and want to be a assistant police officer like me,you should hold a degree.Besides that,you should be very active in sports and co-curriculum activities.You should be fit enough to pass the police training.
Sathya       : Is that enough to be a policeman?
ASP Balan : Not so.A policeman should be disciplined and possess good values.The most important is a policeman need to be honest.
Sathya       : Why honesty is very important?
ASP Balan : This is because honesty is the best policy.Recently,many policemen were  
caught red-handed because of receiving bribes.
Sathya      : Why does the policemen wants to receive bribes although they know that is illegal. Isn't the salary enough for them?What is the salary the policeman receives monthly?
ASP Balan : I have no idea about the reason but could be the salary is one of the reason.Normally,an inspector receives RM 3000 monthly and a sergeant 
receives RM 2000 monthly.
Sathya       : Have you encountered any problems in your work?
ASP Balan : Of course,yes.Nowadays,we are losing our authority?
Sathya       : How could you say that?
ASP Balan : Due to several irresponsible and dishonest policemen,public have started to lash out policeman in social media and even face to face.
Sathya       : Have you faced any problems to be a policeman?
ASP Balan : Yes.My family and relatives disagreed with my decision initially but after my persuasion they just allowed me.
Sathya      : I agree that police is not an easy job.There are lot of obstacles and problem needed to be faced.Policemen could not assure their life at anytime.
ASP Balan : So,are you interested to be a policeman in future?
Sathya       : May be.I will consider about it.Thank you for your interview.It would be really helpful.
ASP Balan : Don't mention it.


PT3 Essay - Story

    Last Monday,Rahim went to school on foot as usual but he woke up late that morning.He walked fast to school otherwise he would be late.He used another lane to school instead of the normal lane he used to.On that deserted road,a bag caught his attention.He thought that someone has left the bag and he decided to ignore it.

    Rahim couldn't make head nor tail of the bag.He also knew that curiosity killed the cat.However,he decided to check the bag.He was quite shocked to see the bag full of money.The money could be very useful for him but he decided not to take money as honesty is the best policy.He looked around and there was nobody.He thought that something smells fishy.

    Rahim quickly went to police station which is a stone's throw away from the spot.The policeman asked him for the information of the bag and he narrated honestly.The policeman praised him for his honesty.Without spending too much in the police station,he excused and paced up quickly to school.His watch showed 8 o' clock.He knew that it was too late.

    When he had arrived at the school gate,the gate was locked.He had butterflies in his stomach.Luckily,the security guard allowed him to enter the school after noting his name.He went to his classroom quickly. Everyone had their eyes glued on him.He explained to his teacher the reason why he was late to school.

    During recess,the policeman came to the school to explain the reason why Rahim was late to school.Rahim was called by the principal to his room.The policeman and the principal praised Rahim for his brave and quick thinking action.The policeman also added that the money in the bag was robbed from the bank and it was returned to bank owner.He had just breathed a sigh of relief.


PT3 Essay - A fire (Newsaper Report)

The picture below shows a fire accident in KampungHulu.
Based on the pictures given,write a report for Straits Time newspaper.


When writing your report:
-describe what happened
-state the possible cause of this accident
-suggests ways to prevent such incident from happening 

KAMPUNG HULU-9 Nov, A wooden house in Kampung Hulu has caught fire yesterday early morning. At about , the fire brigade received a call from a 30-year-old lady.She was panicked as she could not  locate ways to exit  from the house.After 10 minutes, the fire engine arrived at the scene.They quickly took out the hose and put out the fire.
    After extinguishing out the fire, the firemen broke into the house to save the lady.The firemen found out that one of the lady's children  had perished in the fire. The lady who called the fire brigade  fainted due to lack of oxygen. Luckily,she regained consciousness after receiving treatment at the hospital. She was quite shocked and cried after hearing that one of her children had died.
   Based on her statement, the fire was due to her carelessness. She had put the match box at a reachable place  that her children were able to reach. Her five-year-old son who got curios when seeing the match box  started to play with it the matches. He lit up a match stick and  threw it on the floor. The flame from the match stick   quickly spread out. His mother who was cooking in kitchen also  did not think something was amiss.
    Out of nowhere,she heard the screams of her child and ran towards the room. The fire spread quickly and the whole house was caught on fire. As the saying goes,curiosity killed the cat. During his naivety, the boy’s action costs his own life. She stopped crying after hearing that her  other child was alive as there was no use to cry over spilt milk.
    As the saying goes, fire is a good servant but a bad master. The fire brigade officers advised the public to be more careful in the future.We should place the match box at place which is could not be reachable to by children. We should also place a fire extinguisher in our house.We should also always put an eye on the children.Last but not least, put child-lock on the stove (note :not logical to put child-lock on the stove, perhaps install child’s safety gate at the kitchen doorway).
Informal Letter

PT3 Essay - Informal Letter ( Deepavali Celebration)

Questions: You celebrated Deepavali with your family.Your pen pal from London asked you to describe the entire celebration.Write a letter to your friend to describe how you celebrated Deepavali.

 When writing your letter,you should:
- write between 120-150
- describe the entire celebration
- describe briefly another celebration celebrated in Malaysia

                                                                 8,Jalan Hang Jebat 23,
                                                                 Taman Skudai Baru,
                                                                 81300 Skudai,

Dear Andrew,

     How are you getting on?I am in the
pink of health.It has been ages since I last sent the last time I sent you
letter.In your previous letter,you asked me to describe how
my family celebrated Deepavali. My family and I celebrated
Deepavali last Sunday.
     We were as busy as bees before
Deepavali to prepare for Deepavali.We cooperated to clean
and decorate our house.My sister volunteered to decorate our
house with 'rangoli'.A night before Deepavali,we lighted our
house with oil lamps.That is why Deepavali is known as
Festival of Light.
     We woke up early in the morning and we
had oil bath.Then,we wore our Indian cultural dresses.My
father and I wore dhoti while my mother and sisters wore
saree.My parents blessed us on that morning.We went to
temple.After that,my mother cooked 'thosai' for us.We ate
our breakfast together.
     Then,we visited my grandparents.We
brought along some traditional food to them.We had our lunch
there.My grandmother cooked a lot of mouth-watering
delicacies.The meal was served on banana leaf.At night,my
parents held open-house.We invited our neighbours.My mother
cooked briyani for them.They also tried our traditional
food.At night,we also played firecrackers and fireworks.
     Malaysia is well-known as a
multicultural country.There are three main ethnics in Malaysia which are Malay, Chinese and Indian.Another
festival celebrated in Malaysia is Chinese New Year.Chinese
New Year is celebrated by all Chinese.On that day,elderly people
give angpau or red packet to their children.There is also
lion dance performed on that day.
     I will pen off now.Hope to hear from
you soon.
                                              Yours sincerely,


Formal Letter

PT3 Essay - Formal Letter

You and your neighbours live near a stream.Several factories have been built along the stream.The factories have been polluting the stream especially a chemical factory.
Write a letter to the manager of that particular factory complaining about the pollution.
Address your letter to: The Manager,
                                      New Chemical Factory
                                      69498,Jalan Landasan,
                                      41300 Klang,
                                      Selangor Darul Ehsan.

General complaints – creating pollution problems
Highlight New Chemical Factory’s contribution to the problem
Kill – plants and birds
No more – fish – animals
Advise – look into matter
To complain – authority
 No. 13,
Jalan Landasan,
41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

The Manager,
New Chemical Factory,
69498,Jalan Landasan,
41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.                                          15 DECEMBER 2015


River Pollution

On behalf of Jalan Landasan residents,I would like to lodge a complaint about your company for creating pollution problems.It has been two weeks since New Chemical Factory was built in our neighbourhood and it brings a lot of  environmental problems to us.

2.  We were living harmoniously at Jalan Landasan before the New Chemical Factory was built.Many youngsters in our neighbourhood often go to the stream which is a stone's throw away from our housing area to swim and fish.Some of our residents rely on fishing as their side income and now they are suffering from economic hardship.

3.    The problems started since  the New Chemical Factory  was built.The mud and silt from the construction area flowed into the river when it was raining.This slowed down the swift of the river water and turn the river into muddy and shallower.

4.    The New Chemical Factory released toxic into the stream and polluted it.The toxic killed the fish and other animals that drinks the river water.This causes unbalancing to the ecosystem.As a result,we cannot fish and swim anymore in the river.The decaying of the dead matter also emit a foul odour.

5.    We greatly hope you can take severe actions on your irresponsible workers.The stream still can be saved if you can cooperate with us and we hope this problem could be solved as soon as possible so that it does not affect tranquility and harmony of our neighbourhood.We will have to complain to the authority if this problem persists.

Yours faithfully,



PT3 Essay - Benefits of Taking up Hobbies (Speech)

   A very good morning to our beloved principal,teachers,honest and sincere judged panels and my fellow friends.I am glad to be given this opportunity to participate in this public speaking competition.The title of my speech is the benefits of taking up a hobby.

   First and foremost,we can gain knowledge through hobbies.As far as we can see,reading is one of the hobbies that is acknowledged as the source of knowledge.We can get to know  information and sharpen our mind through reading.We can also know the latest issues and news from all across the world so that we will not be called a frog underneath the coconut shell.

   As time is gold,one can use his or her leisure time wisely by taking up hobbies.Hobbies can help to keep us away from involving in non beneficial activities like loitering with bad companies and involving in juvenile delinquency.Hobbies are useful things that can keep our spare time occupied.

    Apart from that,we can make friends through hobbies.We might get to know people from all walks of life through hobbies like jogging,playing chess and many more.This further our communication with people.Thus,we can get a lot of friends who will help us in rainy days.As the saying goes,a friend in need is a friend indeed.

   In addition to this,hobbies can be a relieve of stress.There are a lots of hobbies that can reduce  stress.Being a schoolchildren is always defined as stressful life.So,we need a kind of escapism from this stressful life.

   Next,hobbies can be a change of activities.You can do your hobbies instead of routine activities.As the saying goes,all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.We should need a break from our work.When we have numerous of hobbies,our mind will be relaxed.As the saying goes,variety is the spice of life.

     Thank you for lending me your ears


PT3 Essay - The Importance of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

    Malaysia is one of the tropical countries which receives enough sunlight and rain throughout the year.This unique property enables many vegetables and fruits to be cultivated in Malaysia.Fruits and vegetables are also acknowledged as beneficial universally.They are also several vegetarians who only eat vegetables and fruits.Why we should include fruits and vegetables in our diet?

    First and foremost,fruits and vegetables makes you healthy.Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which are essential for good health.For example,guavas and grapes are a good source of Vitamin C while carrots are rich in Vitamin A.Vitamin C is needed for healthy teeth and gums while Vitamin A is vital for good vision.Thus,there is no need to wear spectacles if you eat vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A.

    Secondly,eating fruits and vegetables will provide a clear complexion and reduces  pimples on your face.This is because fruits and vegetables are also rich in Vitamin B which is essential for healthy skin.Usually,girls always worry about their skin tone and pimples on their face.By eating vegetables and fruits,you might get a better appearance among your friends and boost your confidence when conversing with them.

     Apart from that,fruits and vegetables are cheaper than junk and fast food.Junk and fast food are not only detrimental for our health but also are very expensive .Nowadays,many youngsters loves eating fast and junk food although they are aware of the detrimental.This a kind of parasitism because this only benefits the manufacturers and this leads to many chronic diseases among the consumers especially children.You can also save up more money by eating fruits and vegetables.

       In addition to this,including fruits and vegetables in our daily diet will make you feel energetic and active.You will feel more energetic  the whole day.This will make you more active in sports and keep you away from a sedentary lifestyle which will lead to many diseases.In other words,eating fruits and vegetables reduces your chances of getting diseases and make you more healthy.

     In a nutshell,fruits and vegetables play a significant role in our daily diet.As a consumer,we should consume more greens and fruits by prioritizing their nutrition not their taste.Parents should also make sure their children eat enough fruits and vegetables.This will make  the entire family healthy.


PT3 Essay - Experience of being in a busy city

    Kuala Lumpur is a well-known city in Malaysia.Kuala Lumpur has been a busy city since the early twenties century.Many foreigners and citizens of Malaysia usually visit here.Last weekend,I went to Kuala Lumpur.I was accompanied by my friend,Ben.We went there without a proper purpose.

  We travelled to Kuala Lumpur by bus.There were many people when we arrived there.We saw people from different races and cultures there.This city represents our multiracial country.There were a lot people communicating with their own language.It was all Greek to me.From a distance,we could see people carrying their briefcases rushing to their work.

Soon,we entered the shop lots.We could see a lot of shops selling a wide variety of things.There were clothes selling at discounted price but we decided not to spend too much time there.We could not walk so fast as there were a lot of people in front of us.We could hear the  sound of the car horn .It was totally annoying.There were a lot of smoke coming from the exhaust of the vehicles and it was choking us.After walking for a long time,we felt exhausted.We decided to stop by at a coffee house.We bought us a cup of coffee to quench our thirst.

  As time passes,we decided to go further to find something interesting.We could see stalls on the roadside.At first,we decided to buy some food sold there but soon we realised that the stalls were not hygienic.My watch showed 12 noon and we knew it was the time for us to leave the busy city.Upon leaving,we decided to stop at a clothes shop but we were shocked to see the clothes selling at an arm and a leg price and we changed our mind.We took a bus to return home.

  At first,I was excited to tag along with my friend to Kuala Lumpur but I was totally frustrated by the hustle and bustle of the city.There were pollutions everywhere,sound pollution and air pollution.People were rushing to work and traffic jams slow down their movements.It is totally a stressful life.However,it was a memorable experience in my life.


PT3 Essay - The Night Market

   Night market is a very unique place in our country.Most of the locals and foreigners agree that night market is a wonderful feature in Malaysia because people from all walks of life could be seen there .Usually,night markets open  once a week and during weekends.Many people goes  there to experience the night market by themselves.

   The night market starts at 4 p.m. when vendors are arriving and setting up their stalls.More and more goods laden vans arrive to start their brisk day of business.Once they have set up their stalls,they wait patiently for their customers.

   The excitement of the night market starts in the late evening.The people who live within a stone's  away and far away start arriving at the night market.They glimpse every single stall in looking for the best deals.The vendors shout to attract their customers.

    The night market is also known as a haven or food heritage where people can taste many mouth-watering delicacies.There are also fruits,clothes,beverages,accessories and many more sold at their stalls respectively.The customers also haggle with the vendors to buy the goods with the best deal.This further enhances the exciting atmosphere.

     The rainbow-coloured parasols also colour up the night market.The number of people at the night market keep  increasing when the dark sky starts to roll in.The people walked in an endless stream.Children who tag along with their parents will be glued to the toys sold there.There are different race,people and colours.

     By 10 pm,the number of the people keeps reducing and the vendors decide to call it a day.The litter and food waste will be left on the road.The road will be deserted except for the stray dogs and cats.
