Tuesday 26 September 2017

GURU - (POEM) Beban Guru dan Sistem Pendidikan Masa kini

Ramblings of a Dinosaur 

We,  teachers,  are like roti canai, 
We are punched and pummelled, 
Pulled and stretched, 
And spread so thin, 
By all quarters,  from all corners, 
That holes appear within 
- the system 

To cover them up, 
We are bent and folded 
Grilled and sizzled, 
Like the roti canai 
Smothered and drowned 
In dhall and sambal 

We are boxed, 
Our resources taxed, 
And freedom axed

The system is wrapped, packed 
And made presentable 
As the state-of-the-art craft 
With high-profile policies and programmes, 
Implemented by zealots 
Sticking to SOPs of MNCs

The system is trapped 
In the trappings of sophistication 
Which bid a departure 
To the time-tested 
Wisdom of Learning 

The system is caught up 
In the Age of Instant Gratification, 
Everything has to be accelerated, 
And,  exhilarating! 

Education,  too? 

Isn't education all about cultivation? 
The painstaking cultivation of 
Character and values,  
besides erudition? 

Can all this be done in 2 minutes? 

If the system believes it possible 
Then it is incorrigible 
It is bereft of reason 
And it is an act of treason 
To let in the seepage of mediocrity 

We decry the decline of the intellect 
We bemoan the death of the inquisitive mind.... 

These are the ramblings of a trapped dinosaur,  sharpening its claws.... 

- Tamilchelvi Jayaraman

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