Tuesday 12 September 2017



Mental images of depression could have us picturing someone crying and not leaving their room all day. Much less known, however, is a subgroup of depression, called high functioning depression. People who suffer from this can seem perfectly fine on the outside and yet inside, they’re suffering in silence. These people can wake up every day, go to work and lead an otherwise normal life. Their troubled mental state is often covered up by their smiling exterior. Because it’s so hard to spot, people experiencing high functioning depression are rarely offered help. Their condition goes unnoticed and it often deteriorates very fast. Here are six signs to look out for in someone suffering from high functioning depression.

1. They Aren’t Very Social

A person suffering from HFD might be friendly at work, but afterward, they usually prefer to return home. Very rarely will they show up at an after-work party, most of the time, they tend to make up excuses to get out of it. If this is normal behavior for someone, then ignore it because they probably just value their alone-time. However, if it has been a sudden change, then it might be some cause for concern.

2. They’re More Prone To Addiction

If you notice someone smoking or drinking more than they used to, talk to them about it. People with HFD tend to lose themselves in certain addictions. While smoking and drinking are the most obvious, they could also start binge eating, playing more video games or engaging in retail therapy too often. These vices could become so powerful that they slowly begin to eclipse the other aspects of the person’s life.

3. They’re Usually Type-A Personalities

Strangely, people who are well educated and have good, steady jobs are usually the most affected by HFD. They immerse themselves in their work, leave little time for much else and let stress get to them. These people are also affected the worst by the disease because they’re unwilling to seek help. They are usually perfectionists, so admitting to any problem with themselves is too difficult.

4. They’re Easily Irritable

Low Functioning Depression, the kind most of us are familiar with, are characterized by a beat-down personality. People suffering from this tend to be very silent, unable to carry out simple daily tasks and have a defeatist attitude. People with HFD on the other hand, manifest their symptoms in other ways. They tend to get irritated quickly and fly off the handle for the smallest reason. While this attitude might ward off some people, try to talk to the person about it instead.

5. They Feel They’re Wasting Time

Even if they have a long list of accomplishments to their name, people with HFD believe that none of their work is significant and that they’re just wasting their time. They might feel like they’re underappreciated and are stuck in a rut. They usually don’t respond well with a new hobby or job, because their issue is mental and not environmental.
While it’s important to know the symptoms of high functioning depression, it’s even more important to remember never to rush to judgments. One of the most important principles of psychology is never to label anyone. If you feel someone you know might be suffering from this disease, simply engage in a conversation with them. This will help them a lot more than telling them that you think they’re suffering from a disease.

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