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Hinduism & Sanatan Dharma

Ravichandran Topekan 

Jun 21
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Cosmos ,Sanatan Dharma.Ancient Hinduism science.
1000 year old hindu temple in indonesia found.
 Archaeologists in Indonesia have uncovered a 1,000-year-old temple that could shed 
light on the country’s Hindu past.

1000 years old Ancient Hindu Temple Uncovered in Yogyakarta ,Indonesia under 
Islamic University Archaeologists in Indonesia have uncovered a 1,000-year-old 
temple that could shed light on the country’s Hindu past. The intricately carved …
statues and reliefs are some of the best preserved in Indonesia, but the dig is being 
conducted under tight security to protect the site from well-organised relic thieves. 
The temple was found on the grounds of Yogyakarta’s Islamic University as 
workers probed the ground to lay foundations for a new library, and they realised 
the earth beneath their feet was not stable. Digging soon revealed an extraordinary 
find: three metres underground were still-standing temple walls. Heavy rains then
 exposed the top of a statue of the god Ganesha in pristine condition. A few weeks 
into the excavation, archaeologists are declaring the temple and its rare and beautiful
 statues an important discovery that could provide insights into Indonesia’s
 pre-Islamic culture. “This temple is a quite significant and very valuable because 
we have never found a temple as whole and intact as this one,” said archaeologist 
Dr Budhy Sancoyo, who is one of the researchers painstakingly cleaning up the 
“This temple is important for understanding the culture of our ancestors.”
A volcanic eruption is thought most likely to have covered the temple around the 
10th century, about 100 years after it was built.
The eruption preserved its statues and reliefs in better condition than almost 
everything else discovered in Indonesia from that period, including the Borobodur 
and Prambanan temple complexes.
But now that they are exposed, the temple’s contents need to be protected with 
24-hour security.
Last November, thieves plundered the nearby Plaosan Temple.
The heads of two rare Buddhist statues were stolen, to be traded by organised 
syndicates dealing in artefacts.
Tri Wismabudhi from central Java’s culture and heritage agency says temple
 thieves are robbing Indonesians of a piece of their history.
“To us, archaeological sites like this are archaeological data, so if the data is 
missing or incomplete, that means the history of the nation is also missing,” he said.
“People don’t understand that. That’s why they steal, because they don’t realise 
how important this is for us as a nation.”
At the Kimpulan temple on the campus of Yogyakarta’s Islamic University, the statue 
of Ganesha is being kept slightly buried to make it harder to steal.
It could sell for up to $250,000 on the black market.
The university wants to open the site to the public once the dig is complete.
The library that was destined for the site will be redesigned to incorporate the Hindu 
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