Thursday 12 October 2017

HEALTH -Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands

5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis 

Pain in Hands

Kelly Everson

5 Best Ways To Ease Arthritis Pain In Hands
Arthritis is a condition that comes as a result of joint 
cartilage wearing away causing bones to rub against each 
other. This is a painful condition that is affecting millions 
of people across the world and more particularly in the 
United States of America.  Due to the fact that arthritis is 
so painful, a lot of fake cures have emerged in the market 
that range from snake venom, shark cartilage to copper 
jewelry.  Good news is that, researches has revealed 
some natural ways in which you can engage in and reduce
 the arthritic pain.
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
Another excellent ingredient that can be used to ease 
arthritic pain in hands is Garlic. Garlic has an 
anti-inflammatory property that is good reducing the 
arthritic pain and the associated inflammation to the 
body joints. Besides this effect, garlic contains a substance 
known as allicin which is good in helping the body to 
suppress the reproduction and growth of micro-organisms
 that are known to worsen the symptoms of arthritis.  
You will be required to eat garlic on a regular basis 
either raw or in a cooked form and of course this will be 
down to what you will deem appropriate for you. 
Alternatively, you can take a few garlic and heat them 
with a few mustard oil. Immediately the oil comes to 
room temperature, you have to apply it on your fingers 
gently and then massage it. For quick relief, you have to 
repeat this process several times.
Epsom Salt
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
Epsom salt is a good source of magnesium; a compound 
that is helpful in improving the usage of oxygen. Besides 
this, magnesium prevents hardening of the arteries and 
blood clots. If you just soak your hands in warm water 
that has been mixed with Epsom on a daily basis, you 
will be handed a big boost to your muscle crumbs and pain. 
Alternatively, you can mix one handful of rock salt and 
two handfuls of Epsom salt along with juniper oil and 
fennel oil in warm water and then soak your hands for 
fifteen minutes daily. In addition, this remedy is good in 
reducing the inflammation, stiffness and pain associated 
with arthritis.
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
Potato has anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties 
that can help a lot in treating arthritis. You can prepare this 
potato juice by cutting medium-sized potatoes into thin 
slices and then soak them in cold water overnight. When 
you wake up the following morning, ensure you have 
strained the solution before drinking the mixture when 
your stomach is empty. If you consume this potato juice 
in a daily basis, you will be relieved from pain and your 
joints will become more flexible.  By extracting a juice 
from a medium sized potato and of course diluting it with 
some water, your joint problems will be solved. Remember 
that this remedy is not applicable to those suffering from 
Olive Oil
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
It has been revealed that there exists a very strong arthritic 
inflammation and olive oil.  Olive oil consists of a compound 
known as oleocanthal which thought to have the ability 
prevent the production enzymes pro-inflammatory COX-1 
and COX-2. In fact if you cook your meals using olive oil, 
you will be preventing the productions of these enzymes
 that are responsible for arthritic pain.  Alternatively, you can 
use olive oil to massage the areas where you are feeling the 
arthritic pain in your hands and fingers. When massaging, 
you need to make a mixture of a warm olive oil and lavender 
oil; then apply the mixture gently as you continue to massage.
Castor Oil
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
5 Best Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain in Hands
A Castor oil has powerful medicinal and curative powers. 
 This oil consists of a compound known as Ricinoleic Acid
 which also contains analgesic, antibacterial and 
anti-inflammatory properties. These properties make castor 
oil to be good in relieving arthritic pain.  What you are
 required to do is to take the castor oil and apply it on the
 affected area and then massage gently and repeat it twice
 a day. Alternatively, you can boil two tablespoons of castor 
oil before adding it to the glass containing fresh orange juice
You will have to drink this juice before taking your breakfast 
and within weeks of repetition; you will notice a very big 
improvement to your arthritic problems.
Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be
 construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate 
certified medical or healthcare professional.

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