Saturday 18 November 2017

HEALTH - What is Bipolar Disorder?

What is Bipolar Disorder?

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Bipolar Disorder Affects Men And Women Differently

4 Min

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Depression and bipolar disorder are among the most frequently occurring
 mental illnesses in both men and women. Most people have a good idea of
 what depression is, but not everyone knows the signs and symptoms of 
bipolar disorder. While depression is relatively easier to diagnose, many 
medical practitioners are not able to accurately diagnose bipolar disorder. 
This is because depression comes with extremely concrete symptoms, and
 has very little variance in how it manifests itself in both men and women, 
Bipolar disorder on the other hand is more dependent on the severity and
 the individual, and there can be long period between a depressive and 
a manic episode. This can make it more challenging to get an accurate 
diagnosis. Bipolar disorder affects both men and women in equal numbers, 
but in different ways.

Overview Of Bipolar Disorder

Though many of us may have an idea of what bipolar disorder is, most 
people don’t always have a good understanding of how the disorder works. 
Essentially, bipolar disorder causes the patient to suffer from extreme shifts
 in their mood, usually going from a long period of clinical depression to 
an erratic period of mania. In the depressive state, sufferers have 
clear-cut symptoms of clinical depression: continuous low mood, loss of appetite,
 inability to sleep, irritability and lack of concentration, loss of interest in daily 
activities, and worthlessness, hopelessness and helplessness among 
other symptoms. In bipolar disorder, the depressive episode can last 
for months before a manic episode shows up. A manic episode consists 
of an extremely elevated mood, unpredictable behavior, high energy and 
excessive activity, racing thoughts, inability to concentrate on one task,
 impatience, not wanting to sleep and bouts of dangerous and risky behavior,
 such as shopping without regard for financial status or finding 
multiple sexual partners every day. There are two different kinds of
 bipolar disorder: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. In bipolar I, people suffer 
from periods of depression followed by a single period of mania that lasts
 a few days to a few weeks at the most. In bipolar II, depressive episodes 
are followed up with hypomania, which is similar to mania but has milder 
and more subdued symptoms.


Gender Differences In Bipolar Disorder

In the past, medical practitioners believed that bipolar disorder affects men
 and women similarly. While there has been past research that has shown
 there is some difference in men and women, the default diagnosis is based 
on what men experience. For example, researchers did know that pregnancy 
can trigger an episode in women and the disorder shows up later in life for 
women when compared to men, and that men are more likely to have problems 
with alcohol and drugs when diagnosed with bipolar disorder. However, new 
research shows that not only is bipolar disorder different in how it manifests
 in men and women, but also that there are distinct biological differences in 
men and women with bipolar disorder. The research was conducted at 
Pennsylvania State University, and found that abnormalities in the
 immune system functioning is related to how bipolar disorder develops 
in people.


The Research Findings

People who are suffering from bipolar disorder are also seen to have 
autoimmune issues, and that their immune “markers” in the body are different 
when compared to healthy individuals. Two of these “markers” are zinc and 
neopterin blood levels, and both of these are elevated in bipolar disorder. 
When women had higher levels of zinc in their blood, they had more severe
 episodes of depression. On the other hand, high levels of neopterin in men 
made them have a more severe manic episode. However, high levels of 
neopterin in women and high levels of zinc in men did not have the same 
effect as it did on the other gender. This essentially means that the 
immune system is going haywire in different ways in men and women

. Women are more prone to depressive episodes than men in bipolar disorder, 
and this finding can help to treat each gender more effectively. Currently,
 both genders have the same treatment in medication for this disorder, but this 
new research shows that this may not always be effective. Individual and 
personalized treatment is important because each person reacts differently to 
medication, and usually a combination of different medications are required to
 tackle the symptoms. Knowing how men and women differ in their body and
 brain chemistry can help to create better medication for the future.

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Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and 
should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in
 consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.

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