Saturday 18 November 2017



5 Self-care Tips If You’re Feeling Directionless In Life

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Feeling like you’re lost in life can be stressful. When we have no direction

or plans about our future, we might feel like time is running out for us

to achieve something. This feeling can come at any age, but the reactions

might be different for each person. A young 20-something person might turn to

alcohol, while a 50-year-old might turn to watching TV all the time. No one can

say how one might handle this feeling, but the stress and despair that comes

with it is the same for everyone. This time can make us vulnerable and extremely

unhappy, so it is imperative that we handle ourselves with some care. Eventually,

all of us find a way to make meaning and find a better path for us, but we need to

minimize the damage that can be done during this time. Below are some self-care

tips to help you through this time:

1. Don’t Feel Motivated

We are under such pressure to feel motivated and do something about our

lives when we feel lost. We feel more antsy and restless with each passing

unproductive day. We need to give ourselves permission to feel unmotivated

without feeling guilty about it. Pushing something for a long time without getting

any result only stresses you out unnecessarily. Sometimes, letting the demotivation

come through can give our brains a rest from all the thinking and get the negative emotions out.

2. Set One Goal For The Day

You might feel demotivated, but if you give into it completely, you might become

extremely lazy too. Once the cycle of demotivation and laziness starts, it can be

hard to get out of it. Setting one small goal a day, such as re-organizing your

closet, can be enough to keep you going for a while. Doing nothing isn’t just

being lazy, but also unhelpful for our mind. Keeping ourselves occupied while

taking care of a small goal can make the day easier and more productive.

3. Mindfulness

You may have heard the world ‘mindfulness’ enough times to think that this

solution is cliche, but when practiced correctly, it can do wonders for our overall

health. Mindfulness is the process of being in the present moment completely.

We can eat a piece of cake mindfully for example, tasting it completely and thoroughly

while keeping things like texture and quality in our mind. Doing things mindfully

takes away the fear of the past and the anxiety of the future, and lets you be fully

present in the right here, right now. This clears and refreshes both your mind and body

completely when done correctly.

4. Sleep

One of the most important things for our well-being is getting restful sleep. Getting at

least 7 hours of sleep is important. Sleeping helps the body to repair the past day’s

damage, and gives your conscious mind a rest. This process is needed for you to get

fresh thoughts and ideas for how to tackle the difficult place you are in. When you feel

rejuvenated and healthy, you also feel motivated to do something and take steps forward.

5. Learn New Things

Finally, give yourself time to learn one new thing about yourself or the world you live in.

We often feel like we aren’t good enough when we are feeling lost, but taking steps to inform

ourselves with something can make us gain more confidence. Exchanging ideas with someone,

reading a book, listening to a podcast can all be ways to expose ourselves to what the world

has to offer.

Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be

construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate

certified medical or healthcare professional.

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