Tuesday 17 March 2020

Year 4 SKKD - 18 March 2020 (Covid 19 School Holidays)

Instruction :
1. Read the passage.
2. Copy the passage and questions in your exercise book.  (E1/E2//Paper)
3. Answer the comprehension questions.
4. Send in your exercise book after the holidays.

1. What did Nathan do after school?
    A) Nathan went home.
    B) She heard  loud noices.
    C)  He met his English teacher.

2. When did he hear loud noices  behind Bock B  building?
    A) After seeing his English teacher.
    B) When he was going home
    C)  When he was sleeping..

3. Why do you think Nathan went to investigate?
   A) Nathan was curious
   B) Nathan wants to go home
   C) Nathan wants to be a private investigator.

4) What incident did  Nathan see?
    A) A few boys were bullying  a pupil.
   B)  The dustbin dropped some rubbish.
   C) The headmistress with two guards caught the boys.

5) What's your opinion about Nathan?
    A) He's a bully
    B) He likes to complain about other pupils.
   C) He's a responsible boy.

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